The World’s Largest Service Club Organization.
Our 48,000 clubs and 1.5 million members make us the world’s largest service club organization. We’re also one of the most effective.
“Each of our 1.4 million members is different. These very differences are what make us strong. They make us great. They make us Lions.”
Diversity Bridges All Divides
We Serve all people in all places. Lions are a shining example to the world of the good that can be accomplished by uniting in harmony. We’re known for our strength and ability to help others—and this is only accomplished Through Diversity.
Diversifying Our Service
Uniting Clubs and Communities Around the World
The world is facing many challenges. Natural disasters, famine and disease. Conflict, prejudice and greed. The unfortunate reality is that there will always be difficulties for us as global citizens to overcome. Yet, history has also shown the potential for creative and peaceful solutions to these problems, a path to a more harmonious existence. While the problems may seem insurmountable when faced alone, we can all take comfort in our strength, our nearly 1.4 million Lions, and our incredible ability to engineer solutions.Love. Compassion. Inclusion. Connection.Only through a diverse group of perspectives, including people of all backgrounds and all places, can we realize our full potential as Lions and serve the diverse needs of our communities, and the world. There’s a reason we’ve each chosen to be a part of Lions Clubs International. It’s because we value the insight, the beliefs and the heart of others, and we realize the greater good that can only be achieved when we join together as one.
The Many Ways We Serve, This Year’s Global Priorities
Specialty Clubs
While Lions serve a wide range of needs in their communities, more and more clubs are forming around a specific area of interest, a single cause or common background. Specialty clubs allow people to join a community focused on common pursuits and interests—growing membership and helping our organization do even greater good.
Members of All Ages
Our members represent every culture, background and generation. This year, we can strengthen our clubs—for today and tomorrow—by inviting young people and seniors to join us in service. This multi-generational approach is critical to unifying people, leveraging skills and experience, and making clubs a welcoming place for all.
Global Causes
Our new global causes give Lions around the world new opportunities to unite so we can address some of the most pressing issues facing humanity. This year, we’re encouraging all clubs to expand their service and use the resources available to them to make an even bigger difference in their communities.
Service Journey
Learn, Discover, Act, Celebrate. These are the four phases of our new Service Journey, a comprehensive way for Lions to increase their service impact through access to resources surrounding our global causes. When we serve, we grow. And we were never meant to stop.
Supporting Our Foundation
Campaign 100 is a three-year effort by Lions Clubs International Foundation to raise $US300 million, with the goal of empowering the service of Lions around the world. As we enter the second year of the campaign, we want to keep our momentum going by encouraging everyone to give what they can. Together, we can bring long-term change and lasting hope to the communities that need us most.
Lions Serve the World
Strengthening Our Clubs and Communities Through Diversity
Diversity is more than a defining characteristic for Lions. It’s also the key to success. Here’s how we can help diversify our leadership, membership and service so you can have a stronger club and make an even bigger impact in your community.
Leading by Example
Great leaders have always been at the heart of great success. This year, we want to make the development of leaders an even stronger focus. Every Lion is a leader, and we want to make sure that all members are given the opportunity to develop as leaders, and that each leader is trained and supported.
Our Members Are Our Communities
Each person looking to serve brings unique experiences, skills and perspective with them. And each new member can help us do even more good in our communities. Let’s recognize the good in all, and make sure those who are ready to make a difference have an opportunity to serve as Lions.Expanding Our ServiceThe needs of our neighbors, communities and the world are great. That’s why we have set a goal of helping more than 200 million people per year, every year. So consider supporting one of our global causes or taking on a new project that serves a pressing need in your community.
Expanding Our Service
The needs of our neighbors, communities and the world are great. That’s why we have set a goal of helping more than 200 million people per year, every year. So consider supporting one of our global causes or taking on a new project that serves a pressing need in your community.
Every day, LCIF works to fulfill our mission: “To support the efforts of Lions clubs and partners in serving communities locally and globally, giving hope and impacting lives through humanitarian service projects and grants.”
Since our founding in 1968, we have strived to sustain Lions’ humanitarian service goals throughout the world, awarding over 13,000 grants totaling more than US$1 billion, in the four key areas of sight, youth, disaster relief and other humanitarian efforts.
We give sight. LCIF is providing vision for those in need all over the world by combating eye diseases, creating infrastructure to improve eye care delivery, increasing the number of trained eye care professionals and making vision care more equitable and sustainable.
We support youth. All young people deserve to have an education, feel cared for and experience healthy development so they can have the chance to achieve their dreams. Through our positive youth development program, Lions Quest, LCIF is helping children learn to work together, make positive decisions and serve their communities. The Foundation also supports youth through constructing schools, youth centers and vocational training centers.
We provide disaster relief. Lions are often some of the first to arrive at a disaster to provide relief, and Foundation support is right there with them. We help devastated communities survive after disasters and bring hope by assisting in long-term efforts of rebuilding of homes and lives.
We address humanitarian needs. From working to combat global health issues such as measles and diabetes to empowering those with disabilities to lead more independent and fulfilling lives, LCIF is dedicated to a range of humanitarian service projects. The Foundation continues to develop and expand programs that meet emerging needs worldwide.
Learn more by clicking on the links below: