ID Heimo Potinkara, EF2019 Designated International Director
One of the acting International Directors from Europe that the Associations International President appointed to supervise the Europa Forum. He shall take office upon the adjournment of the Forum (at the optional Supervisory Committee meeting) prior to that for which he is to serve and the term of office will cease at the adjournment of the Forum.
PID Phil Nathan, EF Advisor and Archivist 2017-2022 (hereinafter called A&A)
Elected for five years by the European Council, his duties shall include to monitor all decisions taken and to act as advisor to the Supervisory and Host Committees. The A&A will be the living conscience and the embodied continuity of the Europa Forum. He must ensure that the decisions taken are acted upon properly in later years.
PCC Peter Brandenburg, EF Accountant 2017-2022
Elected for five years by the European Council, his duties shall include to control the expenses of the Forum and to put them into perspective with those of previous Fora.
Supervisory committee (SC)
Its primary objective is to oversee the logistics, administration, any financial matters, and the content of the Europa Forum. Furthermore, the Supervisory Committees duty is to ensure that the Europa Forum complies with the Board Policy Manual. The Supervisory Committee consists of the following functions:
Members of the EF2019 Supervisory Committee:
- ID Heimo Potinkara, designated International Director, Europa Forum 2019 Supervisory Committee chairperson
- PID Kalle Elster, President EF2019
- PID George Papas, Vice President, President EF2020 / tbc
- 1.VDG Märt Viileberg, Programme Director EF2019
- PDG George Savvides, Programme Director EF2020 / tbc
- PID Phil Nathan, EF Advisor & Archivist
Invited to the meetings:
- PCC Peter Brandenburg, EF Accountant
- Ingo Brookman, LEMC
- Pompillia Szellner, EF Young Ambassador
- Madis Sinijärv, General Secretary EF2019
- Tiina Mirka, Treasurer EF2019
- Anneli Pilliroog, Head of Events Program EF2019
- Mari-Liis Vihul, Web Manager EF2019
- DG Arvi Perv, Volunteers EF2019
- Margus Malla, Youth Exchange EF2019
- IPDG Ragnar Lõivukene, Young Musicians Competition EF 2019
The Supervisory Committee organises its work at its own discretion and timetable;
1. SC formal meeting in October 2018 in Skopje EF
2. SC formal meeting in February 2019 in Tallinn.
At this meeting, members of the Host Committee will be invited as appropriate (i.e. The Thomas Kuti Contest Chair, etc.) at no cost to the Host Committee or the Forum.
If the designated ID and the A&A consider it necessary, a further meeting can be arranged with the Forum President and senior committee members.
The Supervisory Committee may also decide to conduct meetings at the Forum venue, prior to and after the Forum.

ID Heimo Potinkara

PID Phil Nathan

PCC Peter Brandenburg